Saturday, September 24, 2005

Lured to Bubbas

Lured to Bubbas, originally uploaded by jmharper.

Jerry commented that there were magnets in the boats that lured us to Bubbas. He was right! It is so convenient to pull up on the boat ramp, get the boats off to the side, then head inside for a snack. Well, in this case, it was dinner and a cold refereshing beverage on the deck.

Looking out over the water, we saw dolphins playing, just fifteen minutes after we paddled through. We looked for them when we made the quick trip across Lynnhaven Inlet to the take-out, but they had gone back into the bay with the tide. As it was, we got back just before it got dark.

And thus ended our trip through the Virginia Beach Scenic Waterway. Chris, Jim and Jeff made it for all four paddles, from Munden Point in the south, over four different days, to the Lesner Bridge in the north.


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